
The last funeral took place over 50 years ago. Ever since, everyone left the dead to rot, out in the open. I can not remember why though…

The base of the city had no windows, and the doors had been walled decades ago. That way the unpleasant views and smells of the peasants couldn´t reach us.

The more powerful you were, the higher you could live in the city. The higher you lived, more the windows you got… For some reason, everyone wanted to go higher and higher. Never being happy with where they lived.

I guess it was the shadow of the upper floors.

Maybe it was the better view.

I lived my entire life for this moment. Now I am on the highest level.

It is so lonely here and there is no way to climb down. The city was built this way.

I look out of my windows. I see people at the bottom. I´m certain.

It is so lonely. Maybe if I jump I can get to them.

I´m falling.

A smell hits me. It is so disturbing…

Getting closer to the people now… only to see the rotting bodies of the residents of the top floor.


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